all trying to turn that mess of things internally that we bring in written words, spoken or gestures. All we seek, once processed, to share and make Him known to others. It is an instinct, a basic need, a need. Isolate there, segregated in ourselves, it would be like autorinchiudersi in a cage. But it is not easy, not easy to describe, narrate, turn into a clear and accessible language to another that which haunts us or cheer. Apple feels the need and how much as everyone, but fails to transform, he can not convert, can only wait. And then his silence is what is most frightening to exist, because the quiet, in fact, a hidden world inside: a multitude of fears, joys, sorrows, passions, loves, strangled, suffocated and confined by the difficulty of human expression, in an icy prison soundproofed.
"The Lacemaker" talks about all those words stuck in my throat because of the complexity of decoding their own emotions; Bird that Maupassant, although he was eager to sing, "not released his hand, stood in silence and did not flee ' ; man who, despite trying to decrypt quell'intrico of perceptions that carries within , still feels perpetually misunderstood, misinterpreted, limited, never fully understood, human beings and not, feel they are not free, it could not fully express. Apple's all this, the man is often all that. In particular, what scares us most is that detachment, that gap between what we feel inside and what we are able to externalize and make it understandable to others. A Out that, when we feel that is so abysmal, gives us the sad reality is impossible to fully describe ourselves. And it is this chasm of silence in charge of Apple, and consequently, man. It is the unbridgeable distance to make us shut up. It is in front of that groove, before quest'abisso that separates thought from the word, in the presence of this lack of communication, the man surrendered. It is here that breaks down the language, that fails the word before Apple, before his inexplicable splendor of the soul, which has no outlet street in reality, no words or actions at its height.
Now, while Apple is thinking Greece, on that trip so much that he wanted to do, but unfortunately never will, but think what would have been happy if he had understood François, while imagining that it would be wonderful if everything were as in his dreams, is it not silence the only one who can fully describe everything? A little 'how does the reality with dreams, the language fails us, it distorts, diminishes us, it creates an unbridgeable gap between our inner world and the real, between what we have in the mind and what we can tell or have others understand. Apple looks up slowly, sets the room and thinks that understanding, that inner world, as well as Greece, can only be dreamed in silence.
"It would have passed close to her, right next to her without seeing her. Because she was one of those souls who show no sign, but we must patiently interrogate, on which we must be able to lay his eyes. At other times, a painter would have made the subject for a painting of gender. It would have been a seamstress, a water carrier or a stitcher. "