After months of use and creation in Jpeg, I am going to go back to shoot in Raw. The Raw
as I understand it is a sort of digital version of the Negative . Soc
he'm writing banal, but just to clarify some basic concepts about this format, if for many advanced photographers is now commonly used in their photographic life for many who are first OAL approach to photography, particularly those who used for the first time your digital SLR, you may remain a world still unknown
Raw means "raw". That is, as the photo is made, the original data and the original size that is left when shooting: how exactly does the analogue machine when the image imprinted on the film, then during printing can be used to print the immagien itself on paper (ie x in the darkroom. you can use piacmento to burn, masking, etc ... to customize your print according to our tastes)
for shooting in RAW you have to enter the menu and change settings on your digital camera.
But with digital, now, having a raw file, we can open it with various software and the digital negative is ready for the "development" or for processing.
This step is called "Camera Lucida " in the jargon ...
I (for hours) and use a Canon 350d raw files are named by the CR2 extension.
So when I open the folder of photos taken in raw seems to me the series of photos
with this extension .. and no preview (yet here I understand why:))
direttametne If I click on the image, photoshop or any other program that can handle the raw, open the image and so I can work on it.
In any case, better to shoot in RAW if possible. In fact, the raw x example, offers many benefits: greater opportunities to develop and improves the quality of the image (eg if it is burned.)
Or, last but not least, as someone who has a negative analog is considered the absolute owner and the author of the image (except in case of theft);)
, who owns the RAW file in case of misappropriation of the photos from the web, and any dispute about it (I'm several cases of Gender: x images of others eg. "stolen" to participate in a competition, as has already happened. nememno Sometimes not enough to affix his signature - the famous watermark - image) The raw
the authorship is undoubted and we can easily to assert our rights image.
In any case, always good photos!. Paul
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