D the desire to participate
Labodif's research on the ability of women to want Puglia it is a project that reflects us and makes us reflect
We feel doubly related to the direction of this research, because there is a very strong and close link between our group and the ability to desire of women seen with a watchful eye to gender differences. Differences seen not as an opposition or claim of gender on women than men, but as a way of speaking "not neutral". We could say that the experience of our group is the flesh, faces and voices behind those numbers, and that the findings from research are so amazing but somehow familiar to us already assimilated.

In recent history, often made in isolation from urban life, a sense of disappointment and helplessness with respect to the mechanisms that govern and manage public affairs, but we have intercepted a latent desire, but strong, by women to return to participate in person in public life, and to build together a way again to make this participation effective and efficient. We recognize the percentage of women "intermittent", higher than the rest of Puglia in Italy, in that great potential for women who want to be protagonists of social change, but waiting for the opportunity to be able to put in place. On many levels and in many quarters, by associations, political parties, from school, professions, social welfare, we know that there is in women the desire to get back in motion, and expended in the first person to change the place, real and symbolic, in which we live.
Labodif The research also shows that a substantial number Apulian women conveys its energies and its transformative capacity much more in the realm of personal experience in that office. It is a fact that raises many questions, questions that all those involved in public life, and that certainly has strong cultural roots. We believe it is the mirror of an often denied citizenship or, more subtly, acted in an "undifferentiated," a democracy of trudging around the principle of neutrality, to the exclusion of fact (and unrecognized) differences. It is no coincidence that the presence of women in institutions is reduced even more. It is no coincidence that one of the reconnection of strong women in this city was just that of reflection and action that we have carried out immediately after the local elections last year, when the total lack of women in roles of management, administration, government, marked a critical moment of real democratic emergency. Faced with a lack of citizenship, and therefore of democracy, many women are on, and have started work to make visible in the city's point of view of gender. But mostly they work, and work on different forms of participation, new, perhaps the only possible to give meaning to the word "politics". Practices away from the protagonists, from the top, the decisiveness, individualism and all other "isms" political vision of a decadent, self, far from the wishes and the ability to follow them. Practices rather closer to the idea of \u200b\u200bnetworking, relationship, exchange of expertise, and above all shared decisions.
For these reasons, we still believe that the desire can be transformed into participatory act, and that this can happen only through the sharing and aggregation, so that the wishes will not remain silent solitude and individual experiences, as too often happens, especially to the desires of women. For these reasons we continue to share our desires, because it is possible for all and for all see beyond one's experiences, not satisfied with the shadow cone in which jealously guard their identity, but rather bring to light what you are and what you believe, in full respect for differences, and give meaning to the community starting by "we."
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