Daddario Who is Patrick? She is a woman, is a symbol, is an opportunity but also a nightmare!
A nightmare is realized: the ability to bond in a model of political representation of women has reached epidemic proportions. A model for some time among us feared, always assumed but never seriously fought macerated by the many distinctions.
I remember endless discussions between: no woman is better in politics or a stupid woman in politics?
We have wasted energy and intelligence in exhausting internal battles ever, and we covered his head with ashes when the same party of men tried to accuse us and the inability to make the team: even women vote women! (But even the men vote for men tout court)
And while we were talking, proud of our difference, always engaged in claiming our quality and our distinctions came Berlusconi gave shape and legitimacy to one of our worst nightmares! The woman
clone of a man, or rather the woman nominee.
Like those poor little old retired holders of spectacular wealth. Exactly nominees!
nominee of a policy for women! Empty
from within, keep only one externality increasingly aligned to the true owner, so well illustrated by the wonderful work of Lorella Zanardo "women's bodies."
mouths, breasts, buttocks, nothing more unnatural and offensive to those who seek to not comply. Caricature passed off as true beauty which, in a collective delirium, many of us try to conform to deny those who, after helping an incli?
Patricia Daddario made us (but maybe we have always known) that the success of a woman, economic, business and political now, passing through the bed of the lord.
knew ex-wives, secretaries and housekeepers, are happy with a place in Parliament, now we got the reward for meeting the needs erotic / sexual!
Women nominees: We need women in politics? The landowner chooses, we need to correspond with the pink? The select the lord!
We look forward to a new bill: the few escaped the hard selection and also elected, shall, before the proclamation, to undergo Ius Primae Noctis.
They can settle only later!
therefore await an in-depth journalism, with the exclusive presence of the lawyer Ghedini that will clarify the need for such a law and not to create resentment among the elected
What an abyss of shame! Shame on the quality of this policy
A Patricia Daddario discovers the game unaware of the presence of women in the list! No matter who you are and what you did, the important thing is to be "attractive" and answering the boss!
And we will decide when to say enough?
A woman did the game immediately and immediately to the massacre: the first discredited, then rammed his naked image on the cover of a newspaper owned by the Lord with an explanatory title to its perfect consistency with the model she challenged.
say enough and are together through sharing those wonderful feelings that we experienced as the most effective way to oppose!
Dr. Magda Terrevoli
Equal Opportunity Commission President
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