There are issues in a way I remove them, have a kind of destructive power on my subconscious, and are the ones who try to describe it, who try to get into it, to dig, to investigate. All that is eviscerating, plow, dig up the most arcane aspects of man, witch my interest. Why do you feel when you see and hear while you have the impression that what you are dealing with is not only a survey of a fictional character, but about yourself. Even you're involved, even on you bet is the magnifying glass. And you feel scrutinized, observed, analyzed the intimate, innermost depths. You feel naked, just to cover you because you have almost a sense of modesty, but overall you're not afraid, after all that's just the truth. The truth that you are not alone, that inside you there is only you that there is a voice, a subject / object concealed, and you can not hide that this is a bit 't'inquieta. Sometimes you feel it and sometimes not, but you can not deny that there is.
There is always something that suggests you, guides you, makes you take a lane instead of another, but when I try to explain what you do not know. You can not quantify it, gave it a name, and even if it makes you feel a bit 'here, a little' there, never in one place, although you into a world of extra-sensory sensations until nearly doubled, and even that little voice is so faint and dim, you can not help but look for it, to sharpen your hearing, because it is part of you, whether you like it or not.
There are perceptions, there are the insights, the scents, this is real developed super sensitivity, heightened to the point of making us feel almost like psychics. Who has not ever had a feeling that resembles Deju vu, but in fact this event has never occurred in our real life but only and exclusively in the interior? We want to talk about premonition? We want to disturb the Supreme various institutions of the earth? A god or a deity? No, never mind, just call it sixth sense if you really want to appeals. Both Veronica know they are not alone, they feel another presence, a traveling companion, imaginary friend sitting next to them in a religious silence, only occasionally to confirm its actual existence, the rest is almost inaudible, muffled. Nevertheless they find it impossible to deny that there is. It is like a conversation inside, as if their perceptiveness, receptivity was reached levels paranormal. The reality is not fully and equally the dream reality, they live in both places at the same time, one foot in the universe tangible, the other in the abstract. The survey, screening of which I mentioned earlier is still in progress, that is full, because while Veronica facing their lives filled with sensations, perceptions, and you, the viewer / patient begins to have an inkling that you are not only, and do not you ever been, and that you have often lived according to your sixth sense, perhaps without even realizing that you have followed presentiment, intuition, that message in code from somewhere, but now it's there, in your brain, your heart, and you shall obey like a child does with his father, it plays as the grandson and the story of his grandfather. We live constantly hints, the man often lives feelings in the world of abstract, is a necessary, indispensable, can not do without it, we are also made of that, perhaps more importantly than that, if more than 60% of our body consists of water, in equal measure our soul is made of warnings, signals, a kind of intimate touch, spiritual. A spirit that does not justify the call on the grounds of religion, does not speak Aramaic, or parables, but a gift is simply inherent in everyone, every day we consult, from which we do recommend, let us carry. The man is a "sentient" therefore "feels", he warns, and probably one of the senses is the most developed, to what us is more vital and necessary. The Veronica
kieslowskiane are simply the culmination of this effect, be profoundly sensitive, only made up of sensations, which are led by them and that they are made.
The Double Life of Veronique is a film of everything that is inexplicable, obscure, of the myriad of emotions and anxieties that speak a language unknown, and whose equally unknown is its source. The film traces the mysterious, cryptic, mystical, feelings that come and go and that we often doubt their existence, but that somehow c'arrivano, which in a sense we can decrypt. There is no reason that fits, we are not in the world of rationality, but in places vague, nebulous, intangible, but not unrealistic. And who said that man is rational? At the risk of repeating myself, I pointed out twice that there is no need to call to arms to the divine worship, but the film of Kieslowski's something religious, and laity religious, because analyzing the human soul, also examines his spirit, and is a sacred truth to say that we are spiritual beings, who are composed of an infinite ocean of little voices, emotions, unconscious, hidden from inputs that have no origin but that the damage to us: the feeling is we, the voice is we . It is a kind of communication with the supernatural than that of Kieslowski: someone talks to God, and those who like his talk with someone Veronica / OSA is not high, but it is no less sacred for it is only more human, more related to the perception of the senses, whether you can pray with them, even from their can be answered. Weronika and Veronique went just over, it's as if they had them all wrapped in the spirituality of this world have always sought more answers, broke through the wall of the empirical reality that sensory sling, which is why a search for Veronique in the final sequence Co., looking for something solid, concrete, reaches out and touches the bark of a tree. Now he knows there, and the tree that she had first lost in the maze of those feelings, hovering in an extreme spiritualism.
Kieslowski through the two protagonists tried to speak as much as possible to universal ideas, thoughts, images, trepidation, suggestions - and that's with all these unnecessary epithets - from that "something" that man can not explain, from the soul ? spirit? from the heart? experience? by chance?
fact is that they are there, present, living, true, buttons, and the man is FEELING. The Double Life of Veronique is the film of "feeling" is the spirit of the film.
Observing that kaleidoscope of colors, almost always toned green, those close-ups, early, those and reverse fields, that look for changes in expressions, you have the feeling of a symbiotic relationship between author and actor. Kieslowski and Jacob "make love", a rare and perfect combination, a harmony / symphony to be enjoyed in silence, contemplating and authorship of so much rejoicing. About symphony's no stress, accentuating that which accompanies - as an omen, like a continuous dream, like a chain - the two protagonists, by Zbigniew Preisner, and we can highlight to the end of (my ) days, the performances of Jacob: naive, graceful, dreamy.
I apologize if more than one review is a sermon / rant where staff speak very little of the film per se, but already so I made a huge effort to find the words - perhaps - understand. I do not give a vote, it seems unnecessary because it is a film that will make my vision of cinema in the future, a bit 'as they were Mulhollan dr., 2001, or the films of Bunuel. It is a film that uses a lexicon sui generis, which communicates through "feeling" rather than "the understanding", the sixth sense, moreover, can not explain. It is a film that I have inside for days and days and how these feelings, a little human, somewhat ascetic, I can not send away, is a film that should be seen, felt sorry.

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