I have always been limited to say about my movie, I never thought of doing it for a book. Not because the books read in the past no longer deserved, indeed, but for the simple fact that this " The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat " it to me in a sense forced, forced me talking about it, so the fascination exercised on me. As part of a large cluster of neurological cases presented themselves as in the life of Professor Sacks this , evolving into something much more than romance, touching the strings, themes, aspects of life, man, just a perfect book that can be done. Every patient is an oddity, every quirk is an example of how strange life and the human mind: a man walking on a curved side style tower of Pisa and does not know it, another to forget everything in a few seconds, another yet it never forgets anything, a deaf woman who hears music coming from his head, an autistic child who paints from God, a boy suffering from Tourette's syndrome (tic continuous) brilliant in the ping-pong, an aspiring doctor that a drug addict day dreams of being a dog. These are only a limited number of extravagance that Dr. Sacks has known and examined, abnormalities of the brain largely unknown, sometimes snubbed, little more depth to shallowness, lack of interest, labeled as best as "madness" or "eccentric" hopeless. Some cases are indeed incurable, the professor do not hide it at all, but the point is not that, but that each of these examples of man and woman "original", each eccentricity, each character "neutral" in its own way can turn that defect in value and the failure in quality. And that's not it great? It does not prove what is the incredible human strength?
Of course, not all succeed in this enterprise, sometimes there is very little to do, but the vast majority of these ladies and gentlemen quirky, with a tenacity, steadiness, an obsessive / attachment to the phenomenal life, we can make a personal miracle. Neurology is a science in constant evolution, like all the other has a theory, of the books from which to learn, but believe it is possible to enclose the boundless, multi-faceted, multi-faceted human mind, in the tight spaces of a book? Of course not. Only by knowing these queer little creatures Dr. Sacks improve his knowledge, in each case, always new, always different, un'astrusità after another, but all with one common denominator: the inexhaustible human resources . It's amazing how each of these patients with any disability, if not able to overcome it, to limit it, to turn it to his advantage to do so to become an advantage. From obstacle to utility, as an obstacle to privilege, the firmness of these people did not give an inch. A nature which we removed and then regenerated in us calls us to accept or to fill that void, that shortcoming, as Ray thousand tic, which, while conscious of how much they have complicated lives, avoid taking medications 1 -2 days a week to feel himself, to live with his true nature, without it what would a sample of ping-pong? Or the deaf lady who does not want OC absolutely off those jingle in your head that reminds so much a lost childhood. And the guy who thinks he is a dog? Now it's grown, is a colleague of Dr. Sacks, but would love to go back again and feel a quadruped: "That olfactory world, that world so fragrant, so vivid and real. It was like another world of pure perception, rich, lively, self-sufficient and full. What would I give to return each time to be a dog ". Who wants to be a dog? None, yet in its singularity has something special, each one of these little stories is really extraordinary, magical and incredibly earnest. The man has an ability to adapt to even Imagine, remedies, talent unlimited hidden; in this book are all there. How eccentrically beautiful life.
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